This is the first of seven parts of The Graham Formula video




Welcome to The Society for Effective Evangelism
Dedicated to the reformation of modern evangelism.

If you're a pastor or evangelist, you probably know the truth: About 90% of seekers that come forward in altar calls don't join a church.

We call them "backsliders " because we can't be honest about the scandal of modern evangelism.

The Society for Effective Evangelism exposes the reasons for this tragedy, and provides a Biblical alternative.

Please join us in the fight for eternal souls.

" him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
James 4:17

The Facts:
Before the 20th century, evangelists and
pastors were ecstatic if 10% of the people who came forward for "altar calls" received salvation. D.L. Moody was one of the last famous evangelists to employ sound evangelism practices throughout his career.

Seekers were taught and individually counseled at "after meetings," specifically designed to help penitents understand the condition of their souls. They confessed their sins, and received individual instruction and prayer, but were never led in any kind of formula "salvation prayer." They were never told they were saved.

The reported conversions were called "hopeful" since all understood the deceitfulness of the human heart. Pastors understood salvation to be a mystical union of God and man, orchestrated by the sovereign God. Before admittance to an evangelical church, new believers were examined for evidence of true conversion. This included power over sin and the witness of the Holy Spirit.

The "Sunday Conversion"
Billy Sunday started his ministry using sound evangelism practices, but by the end of his 39 year career, he eliminated many of the safeguards used by his predecessors. He saw no need for pre-salvation counseling, so he eliminated the "after-meetings" and inquiry room. His mass production techniques resulted in an astounding number of "conversions." It seemed too good to be true. It was. For More information on Sunday's "name it and claim it" conversions, click here.
Newspapers routinely reported 100% conversion rates of those that "walked the sawdust trail." "Hopeful conversions" were replaced with universal salvation for all who walked forward to shake Billy Sunday's hand. All reputable evangelists after Sunday had to deal with the fallout of spurious conversions and "Elmer Gantry" excesses. "Sunday conversion" became a derisive term.

The Group Formula "Salvation prayer"

Billy Graham brought back the after-meetings and inquiry room. He employed excellent sermons, trained altar workers and exhaustive follow-up programs in a formula for success that according to Graham, resulted in a 25% success rate. But in the 1950's he started leading large groups of seekers in a group "salvation prayer."
What started out as a temporary, questionable, timesaving device because of a shortage of counselors at crusades is now accepted as THE normal practice in thousands of churches across America.

The narrow path has become a four-lane highway.

Many pastors and evangelists continue to report a 100% salvation rate for all who come to the altar, but they know better. Charles E. Hackett, national director of the Assemblies of God home missions said, "we realize approximately 95 out of every hundred will not become integrated into the church." Church Growth magazine reported a 6% retention rate for 18,000 decisions. American Horizon magazine reported a major U.S. denomination in 1991 retained only 5% of their "converts." In 1995, a leading U.S. denomination reported 384,057 decisions. Only 6% were retained. Peter Wagner admitted only 3% to 16% of those who make a decision at crusades end up responsible members of a church. Ted Haggard wasn't as optimistic. "Only three to six percent of those who respond in a crusade end up in a local church."

Understanding The Facts
There's a plausible explanation for these statistics.
The modern retention rate of 3% to 16% is about the same as the salvation rate reported by evangelists and pastors before Billy Sunday.

Up until the 20th century, the hard (and deeply spiritual) work of dealing individually with penitents yielded true salvations and a minimum of spurious conversions. Seekers were taught that salvation was definite, complete and identifiable.2
The scandal of modern evangelism is not only are we converting 80%-90% of the seekers into "backsliders," we're inoculating them against the truth. By giving them a small but deadly injection of hope, and then telling them they're saved, we've made it more difficult for them to contract real salvation.

For More information, please read The Graham Formula by Patrick McIntyre
To read excerpts of The Graham Formula, go to

Pastors, and those that want to evaluate the book before purchase can download the PDF book for free. CLICK HERE

The Graham Formula books are available WITHOUT COVERS (covers have been cut off because they were damaged) for $20.00 FOR 10 BOOKS (that's $2 per book) plus shipping.

1. Pgs 61-64, The Way Of The Master, Ray Comfort, 2004
"Definite and complete" includes not only a definite and complete atonement, but also the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the supernatural impartation of a new nature which overcomes the old nature. "Lack of sanctification" was never used as an excuse for backsliding. Sanctification was always taught as a going forward from "glory to glory." No pre-20th century evangelist would ever say a person was backslidden if they never showed any sign of having forslidden. They would be told they were never saved.

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